NLP4Health Lab Amsterdam
Dept. of Medical Informatics, AUMC, University of Amsterdam. Meibergdreef 9, 1105 AZ, Amsterdam.

Welcome to the website of the NLP4Health Lab Amsterdam led by dr. Iacer Calixto! We are part of the Methods in Medical Informatics research line in the Department of Medical Informatics, Amsterdam UMC, in the University of Amsterdam. We conduct cutting-edge research on human-centric and responsible Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Machine Learning (ML) methods for healthcare and other high-stakes applications.
Dec 01, 2024 | Alberto Testoni officially started working in the CaRe-NLP project as a post-doctoral researcher. Alberto has a background in computer and cognitive science, and in his work he will focus on NLP and its intersection with multimodal learning. Welcome, Alberto! |
Oct 01, 2024 | Heloísa Oss Boll and Xinlan Yan officially start working in the CaRe-NLP project. Heloísa focuses on devising LLMs for clinical tasks and Xinlan on synthetic data generation with privacy-preserving methods. Both PhD candidates are co-supervised with prof. Ameen Abu-Hanna. |
Jan 01, 2024 | We are hiring! We are currently looking for 2 PhD students to work on the NWO-funded CaRe-NLP project. |
Sep 01, 2023 | The CaRe-NLP project was awarded funding by NWO (with co-funding from the Amsterdam UMC and the Department of Medical Informatics). We will hire 3 more PhD students and 1 post-doctoral researcher over the next years. Stay tuned! |
Dec 01, 2022 | Nishant Mishra officially starts in the project ‘Responsible and explainable ML and NLP for healthcare’, co-supervised with prof. Ameen Abu-Hanna. |